Monday, May 21, 2007

The Beasleys Go to Tuscaloosa!

The Beasley Clan recently completed a jaunt to beautiful Tuscaloosa, Alabama for the wedding of Susan's dearest friend Cathy. While Susan and Cathy did girlie things, Lola and her daddy did other, even more girlie things at the Children's Museum:

Cue heavenly music . . .

Does anyone need a Lola? We've got a few to spare:

The Signing Fool: Horse
The Signing Fool: Carrot
Of course, Lola charmed everyone with her mad karaoke skilz at the rehearsal dinner . . .
and looked stunning at the wedding in her handmade dress by Sandy Schiavi!


sandy said...

lola, you surely had a dress-up weekend. i loved your fashions at the Childrens' Museum. you looked like you were ready for derby i hope you had fun in your flowergirl dress. so cute. did you spin your skirt around? sandy

Anonymous said...

Lola! You are stunning in your red dress. You look so grown up. And what a pretty hairstyle.

The hat party looked like so much fun. Keep it up!


Jessica said...

I thought the karaoke was going to be a funny pic, but the martini glass is an absolute hoot!


Amanda said...

lola--looks like you've finally gotten old enough and are ready to go out cocktailing with me in that fancy new frock of yours!

Anonymous said...

Lola, you are fabulousness personified, darling! Next time you come and visit we'll go shopping on Rodeo Drive. I miss you!