Sunday, December 17, 2006

Shhh and Sounds

We've been playing a game lately where we put our finger to our lips and make the shhh sound. Last week we were driving in the car, and I was sitting directly in front of Lola and our friend Lisa was sitting beside her in the back. I read a sign that said "Shhhhh" and Lisa reported that Lola immediately did the "sign" for it; that means that she heard the sound and knew what it meant without seeing me!

She's been making lots of sounds too. She does a "mama" and we've even heard a meow. She does make approximations of up, hi, hot, quack and arf. Over Thanksgiving weekend, she started doing "ba ba ba" sounds. She's also really imitating the sounds of speech. It's just amazing how fast she is picking things up, and even our teachers agree with us that she probably did hear for awhile before she somehow lost her hearing.

1 comment:

Gretchen, John, Wilson, and/or Jane said...

lola jane, i miss you! how much you are growing! can't wait to make cookies with you tomorrow and hear your new sounds!