We have been very bad bloggers, and we apologize. We just recently downloaded our digital cameras and had pictures from way back in December, so I've added several posts going back that far.
Lola's speech is definitely exploding. I had the very good fortune to have just returned from a wild women's weekend in Cape Cod with 5 amazing ladies, and when Derrick and Lola picked me up from the airport, she did not stop talking all the way home. I handed her a shell I had brought her back from my trip, and she took it and said perfectly, "a shell." She didn't repeat it - we didn't even know she knew that word! Derrick also informed me that while I was gone, he called her a baby, and she corrected him, "not baby, girl." It's so exciting because now she's really sharing her own thoughts with us. And we know she's got lots of them, so keep it coming! We thought her energy had reached a whole new level when she turned 2, but it's reached yet another level now that she is 3. Wow! She's definitely keeping us busy!